Thursday, November 23, 2006

Home safe from the dentist

Yes I made it through. It wasn't as bad as it could have been, although bloomin 'eck the dentist needs sewing lessons, the stitches are really not prettily done. I was kind of hoping he'd do some sort of arty pattern!

Plus I'm under strict orders not to do anything strenuous, what a shame there goes the housework again, at least pc surfing and playing with paper are allowed!


Lynne said...

Glad it was all ok-ish Rhi.x

Paula J Atkinson said...

Glad to hear your back safe in one piece. Yep, houseworks totally out so what more of an excuse do you need to pamper yourself & get creative, but hey, I would ignore those xmas choccies screaming at you from the corner!!!:)

Dollydimps said...

Dr Nic prescribes more paper playing ;-)